Google Fit can now estimate your distance and calories burned
When you wake up and go about your day, sometimes you just want to know how far you've gone. Whether it's 500 or just 2.25 miles, you'll now have an idea.
In a blog post, product manager for Google Fit Allyson Gale, announced new features coming to the app. The updated app can now estimate the distance you've traveled by walking, biking, or running/jogging. Miles traveled is not the only thing that Fit is now trying to calculate, it’s also estimating the amount of calories you've burned as well.
A watchface is also making its way to Android Wear, and adding a widget to your phone. The analog watchface will give your current progress along with how many minutes are left till you've reached your daily goal.
That's not all, an updated look to the history section is also along for the ride. Your activity history will now be grouped by day, week or month as you view the timeline. The update will be rolling out of the Play Store later today.