What is Value for Value (V4V)
The value for value model is a way of donating. If you received value in any information that The Smiling Dutchman has provided, you can help us by donating. With not have to worry about where our next biscuit is coming from, you’ll help us to keep corporations and advertisers at bay. Your donation will keep us ad-free, and in turn, it will give us the opportunity to speak our mind without self-censorship. Reviewing products without fear of repercussions and publishing opinionated articles from contributors without worrying about company and advertiser blow-back.
This method isn’t new, but it was brought to the forefront by the father of the podcast (Podfather), Adam Curry. Using this model for his podcast, No Agenda, has allowed him to deconstruct the news without worry from brand and advertisers.
Donate to one of the options below:
Minds: https://www.minds.com/TheSmilingDutchman - You can wire us Tokens using minds.com. Minds uses the Ethereum standard, ERC-20 utility token that will be issued on the Ethereum blockchain. More information can be located here (pdf).
Brave Rewards Browser: Use the Brave Browser to help support us. For more information on how the Brave Reward system works, click here.
Brave referral program. By clicking here or using this link https://brave.com/the481, I’ll receive 5USD. For a referral payment to occur, the new user must be minimally active across a 30 day period.
LBRY.TV/@TheSmilingDutchman or odysee.com/@TheSmilingDutchman: Support us on these channels using LBC. For more information click here.
T-Shirts and hats - Yes they are finally coming in mid 2099
Ethereum Network (ETH) - 0xBE2d558Ef542fEE9499DbF50369AD7D1fbDa2C87
Bitcoin (BTC) - 17o4kJDXLyHPD71r3ccL82Bw6hDGvDyMiH
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) - 1CETZvoLsTQcTKpVCrpmW5KGXGDr3BoWAN
Litecoin (LTC) - LRfhDXZkztnkhH2VZFYKK7SojCvHsn84Gc
For those that want a easier service:
SubscribeStar: TheSmilingDutchman - A monthly payment service
PayPal: Coming Soon
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